April 24, 2013

Additional Information

Wednesday, April 24 is World Meningitis Day and the perfect time to get your children vaccinated. Last month, a middle-school student in Muncie was diagnosed with meningitis and just a few weeks ago, a 12-year-old from New York died from the disease. Meningitis preventable through vaccination, and doesn't have to result in stories of tragedy.

Earlier this year, the Indiana State Department of Health published the updated school immunization requirements for the 2013-2014 school year to include a recommended booster dose of meningococcal conjugate (meningitis) vaccine for 11th and 12th graders, in addition to the required vaccination that takes place between 6th and 10th grade. In the 2014-2015 school year, this booster will be required.

Visit vaccinateindiana.org/providerfinder to find your local immunization provider and make an appointment today.