When we were in high school, my friends Caroline Shively, Allen Putman, Jeri Smeathers, Jill Harris and I were the toilet papering mafia!  We used to routinely terrorize the homes of our friends.  We'd litter their trees with about eighteen rolls of toilet paper.  We'd stick plastic forks in the yards to wreak havoc on their mowers.  And we'd decorate shrubs and landscaping with little delicate flowers made from Charmin!  LOL!  When Caroline visited The WBKR Waking Crew this week, we decided to pick up right where we left off.  We grabbed some toilet paper and went to town on Brett Wharff's caddy!  WATCH!

It was fun reliving the glory days with Caroline yesterday.  LOL!  But I forgot how sly she was.  When I went to the parking to leave work I had a little surprise waiting for me!  She had TP'd Rhonda the Ram.


Just like old times!

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