Since I am in my upper Sixties, I have many many many secrets that I harbor. One of my deepest, darkest secrets shall now be revealed to you. I thought I needed to confess since this has been with me since I was a mere boy.

The summer I turned 14, my older brother, Don, returned from the Air Force. We celebrated his arrival and I was very happy to see my boyhood hero. Don had planned on taking a roadtrip, not long after his arrival, with a friend from school. When his friend arrived to embark on the roadtrip, he came in style - a 1960 VW Beetle or "Bug." Being only 14-years-old and since Beetles were so popular at the time, I was intrigued by the little black bug.

It turned out, that Don's friend left the keys in the house in case we needed to move it. Oh, I needed to move it alright... I needed to move it all around Lubbock! So, here I am, barely a teenager and the envy of all my friends - DRIVING! Er, I mean struggling with the stick shift which probably meant I could have destroyed the Bug's transmission.

We tore up the town that weekend. My brother, nor his friend, to this day know of our escapade. Looking back, the lack of gas and extra miles should have tipped him off but in those days we were all a little preoccupied with other things. Don, Don's friend, if you are reading this please forgive that sweet 14-year-old juvenile delinquent and know we had the time of our lives! On second thought, I'm not really all that sorry!

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