I'm not sure I ever saw a "hottest toys of 2015" list, but I would guarantee the Hasbro game "Pie Face" was near the top. I know before my niece Zoey asked for it for Christmas, I had seen at least one video of the game being played. It's a simple concept, you spin to see how many turns you have to crank and in those turns, if you don't get a pie in the face, you get to keep those points and whomever reaches 25 points without getting a pie in the face wins. But forget about all that and watch what happened when my sister and my Mom took their turns.

I could not stop laughing! Bless my mother's heart! For all the anticipation of Zoey getting the game and we finally set it up, she was too scared to play! What? Actually, the game comes with a little square sponge if you aren't ready for a full-on pie face experience. My Dad claims he was going to hop in front of Mom, but Zoey insisted Mom's turn go before Dad's; by the way, when you see the flash, that's Dad taking a picture of Mom right as she gets a pie face.

Here's the crazy part, Pie Face was first introduced by Hasbro in the 60's. Why they discontinued it all these years, we'll never know. Maybe it was the almost full pie in the face that cinched it. I swear I see a pastry!

I can't wait to play this over and over and over....

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