Angels for Ashley Cooking Team Prepares for St. Jude Radiothon [PHOTOS]
Part of the tradition--and it's been about a decade, now, hasn't it--of the Window World St. Jude Radiothon, happening Thursday and Friday, February 4th and 5th is the Angels for Ashley Cooking Team's cookout at Shoe Stop in Owensboro.
And this year, the team will be there at Wesleyan Park Plaza cooking Boston butts, ribs, and chickens.
The St. Jude Radiothon, year in and year out, would not enjoy the success it enjoys if it weren't for Jerry Morris and his team. That's a LOT of great big hearts.
But there's also a tradition within the tradition as the team gathers at the Morris homestead the Wednesday night before the radiothon to get pound after pound of mouth-watering deliciousness ready for the big event. Keeping in mind, this will be drive-through only, here's your price list for Thursday and Friday:
BOSTON BUTTS will be $35.
FULL RACKS OF RIBS will be $25.
WHOLE CHICKENS will be $10.
And here are some scenes from BEHIND the scenes: