Are you a Golden Girls fan? Go ahead and thank me for being a friend because I found a website that sells Golden Girls inspired face masks and they are the absolute best.
Angel here. I would like to confess I am an Aldi's Addict. I love their bargains, how convenient the store is and how I can always find something unique I wasn't even looking for. Last week I stumbled upon my best find yet.
Say it with me "SHADY PINES MA!?" Oh, I can literally hear Dorothy saying it right now! Did you know you can stay at Shady Pines? Well, kind of and it is right here in Kentucky-->
OMG! I have died and gone to eating cheesecake in the kitchen in the middle of the night and listening to St. Olaf stories heaven! Thank you for being a friend and planning a Golden Girls Cruise!
Well, I just died and went to Shady Pines Heaven! It was announced earlier this week the Golden Girls will be available in action figures early next year but you can pre-order now!
When Kevin and I were in New York City last week, we hopped on a 1 train and headed to uptown Manhattan. We heard about Rue La Rue Cafe, which is a Golden Girls-inspired cafe, and we had to see it for ourselves!
I grew up in the 80's and 90's. In my opinion, some of the best television shows were made during this time. A few of my favorites include Full House, Empty Nest, Family Matters, and Blossom. But one show tops my list by a mile!