Some of the loudest voices on social media were spewing incredibly negative comments about the UK coaching search. In the end, however, the fans were celebrating.
Pistons head coach, Dwane Casey is always seen on the sidelines wearing his St. Jude lapel pin. I had to find out more. He also graduated from Union County High School and played for the Kentucky Wildcats.
When famous people alter their looks, it can be jarring, yet some of us are probably thinking "it's about time!" Former UK and current NBA star Anthony Davis did some shocking hair removal this weekend.
There are conflicting reports out there rehashing the possibility of an NBA franchise coming to Louisville. One blog says it's true, the mayor's office says it's false.
Special thx to @chasechevrolet for helping me surprise this deserving family with a new car #DoGood
A photo posted by DeMarcus Cousins (@boogiecousins) on Dec 16, 2015 at 8:57pm PST
Professional sports is so much more than just what happens on the playing field. Former Kentucky Wildcat DeMarcus Cousins recently demonstrated exactly that. Cousins now plays for the Sacramento Kings and recently su
After yesterday's UK/UL game it seems like basketball is on everyone's mind. Well, if you're a hoops fan, you have to check this out. It's video of the Top 10 NBA Dunks of 2013 and they are RIDICULOUS!!