How a Rare Picasso Painting was Lost in Evansville for DecadesHow a Rare Picasso Painting was Lost in Evansville for DecadesThe story of Evansville's Picasso piece is wild, and soon we will be able to see it on display at the Evansville Museum. MelissaMelissa
Tennessee Was Once Home to the World's Largest TreehouseTennessee Was Once Home to the World's Largest TreehouseThis impressive structure was free to tour for all comers until 2012. And then seven years later, disaster struck.Dave SpencerDave Spencer
NY TIMES RECOGNIZES ROSINENY TIMES RECOGNIZES ROSINEThis is quite an honor. The New York Times has put out a list of the "52 Places to Go in 2016" and coming in at number 42? Rosine, Kentucky, the birthplace of Bill Monroe and the birthplace of Bluegrass.Erin GrantErin Grant