The new Toilet Paper Foam from Squatty Potty will save your toilet and your behind! Check out the hilarious video introduction to this much needed product.
I make no bones about it. I am a proud owner of a Squatty Potty and there is absolutely no shame in my game for telling you that. Quite simply, my little plastic footstool has drastically changed the way that I pop a squat. Do a number two. Drop the kids off at the pool. LOL! And, now, Squatty Potty has set their sights on a whole new generation of "squatters". The company just an
A couple of weeks ago, I happened to catch the makers of the Squatty Potty on ABC's show Shark Tank. And I was absolutely fascinated by the idea that, instead of sitting to use the restroom, humans really are designed to "pop a squat". And the Squatty Potty is designed to help us do just that. It helps us do the "doo". So, I just had to have one. Say goodbye to grunting li