Cruise w/ a DJ: Byron Sumner’s Flesh-Colored Speedo Prank [Video]
Last week, our friends Byron and Lisa Sumner (from Cadiz, Kentucky) celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary. Over the course of those fifteen years, Lisa has had to endure a lot. I mean, A LOT. Byron is a ripe hot mess, but an absolute scream. The man is fearless and has no inhibitions at all. Case in point . . . YouTube Exhibit A. Remember his stunt on Cruise with a DJ? Byron entered the Carnival Elation's Hairiest Chest Contest and he had quite a surprise up his sleeve . . . or, rather, his swim trunks!! Byron ripped off his trunks to reveal a flesh-colored Speedo. We didn't know if they would love it or throw us off the ship. Here's how it played out!
By the way, Byron wasn't the only WBKR listener in the mix that day. You may notice Dale (a.k.a. Officer Furry) from Fordsville! He snagged 1st Runner-Up honors and gave Cruise with a DJ a sweep of the top two spots!