If you're looking to spice up your life, learning to ride a motorcycle can do just that. However, if you've never ridden before, there are some things you should know first.
I guess it's one of those questions that many people have never even thought about. The majority of people heading to voting booths here in Illinois and around the country will probably never even think about pulling out their phones to take a shot of themselves and their vote, but for the people who will...here's what you really need to know about the legality of a "ballot selfie."
As you may have noticed, fast food prices are rivaling, and in some cases topping the prices you'll find at casual sit-down restaurants. So, if price isn't the reason you're in the drive-thru, it's gotta be because you want that fast food fast. A study took a look at who's moving quickly and who's making you wait.
I really try hard not to stereotype, but this Missouri crime nearly solved itself. A wily thief was caught swiping balls from a Missouri golf course and there's photographic evidence to prove my theory of who the culprit is.
Kentucky isn't just known for its basketball—it's also home to some chilling true crime stories and tales of real-life evil. As you navigate the dark, winding roads of the Commonwealth, check out these intriguing true crime and paranormal podcasts that will keep you entertained and on the edge of your seat.