Habitat For Humanity Women’s Build Day
On Thursday, I took my midday show on the road. I went to check out the Women's Build Day at an Owensboro Habitat For Humanity build. It was awesome!!
The home is being built for Owensboro resident Beth Ijames and her three daugters Mackenzie (7), Lexie (6) and Kaitlyn (5). Beautiful girls, by the way!! And, so sweet!! Beth was out there the entire day, working her little hiney off, and informed me she'll be out there helping every single day!
There were about 30 women there on and off throughout the day. The lead crew of four women was from Lexington and instructed the volunteers on what to do. Before I had left at two o'clock, the ladies had two walls up and working on more!
I meet several women who had been a part of Habitat For Humanity for over 20 years! Brown and Brown Insurance, over two days, is sending the women of their office to help with the build. What a great idea for your company to give back to our community.
If you want more information on Habitat For Humanity, call 270-926-6110 or check out http://www.habitatowensboro.org/
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