Owensboro Parks & Rec Announces 2017 Spring Middle School Baseball League
The temperatures have, for the most part, been above normal this winter--even spring-like. And spring fever tends to hit even during the briefest of unseasonably warm periods.
And when that happens, thoughts tend to turn toward baseball.
With that in mind, you'll want to check out something brand new being offered by the Owensboro Parks & Recreation Department.
Their new spring/summer middle school baseball league, at the Owensboro Softball Complex, will begin in May and run through July, with two games per week Monday through Thursday.
The deadline for registration is Friday, March 31st at 5PM. Rosters must be submitted by this time, as well.
Registration will include two uniform shirts and a hat and players must be between 12 and 14 years of age as of the registration deadline of March 31st.
You can register as an individual or as a team and there may be up to 14 members OF your team.
Participants and teams are going to be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.
For more registration information, visit owensboroparks.org.
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