National Weather Service Confirms 17 Tornados Illinois & Indiana National Weather Service Confirms 17 Tornados Illinois & Indiana Thankfully, no injuries or deaths were reported during the storm outbreak, but plenty of residents will be clearing debris and fixing damaged roofs for a while.LibertyLiberty
Dive Into Summer As A Lifeguard at Burdette Park Aquatic Center in EvansvilleDive Into Summer As A Lifeguard at Burdette Park Aquatic Center in EvansvilleIf you're looking for a summer job, consider being a lifeguard at the Burdette Park Aquatic Center - but you need to get certified first.Bobby G.Bobby G.
Burdette Park Aquatic Center Welcomes New Water FeatureBurdette Park Aquatic Center Welcomes New Water FeatureBurdette Park is reopening the Aquatic Center for summer 2021 and they've added something new!Kat MykalsKat Mykals