We are celebrating animal adoption through the month of March. Starting March 1, listeners can submit a photo of their adopted pet, their adoption story, and the name of the facility where their pet came from. We’ll compile the stories and let the audience vote on their favorite adoption story. The winner will receive a pet basket and the adoption facility where the winning pet came from will win $1,000 from Robert John and Associates!
Happy Tails

Here’s What Pet & Shelter Won the Happy Tails Contest
The votes have been tallied! Here's who won.

Vote For Your Favorite Pet Adoption Story & Help a Shelter Win $1,000
Now is the time to vote for your favorite pet adoption story! The winning animal/pet parent duo will score a $100 Amazon gift card & the winning shelter will land a $1,000 donation!

Happy Tails- Share Your Pet Adoption Story!
If you adopted a pet in Southern IN, Western KY, or Southern IL, we want to hear your 'happy tail'! The winning pet parent will win $100 Amazon card and the shelter their pet came from will win $1,000!