harold camping

Earth Granted 5-Month Extension
Earth Granted 5-Month Extension
Earth Granted 5-Month Extension
So you really didn't think you'd heard the last of Pastor Harold Camping, did you? As May 21, 2011 came and went without sounding trumpets or horsemen in the sky, the old bird must have been bewitched, bothered, and bewildered that his apocalyptic pronouncement died on the vine. Not to worry; the old guy isn't letting any grass grow under HIS feet.
Well, I Guess We’re All Still Here
Well, I Guess We’re All Still Here
Well, I Guess We’re All Still Here
Is it safe to come out? I figured if the world was going to come to an end, it would be apocalyptic. But I guess I can unload my bunker, now. Everybody's still here. Of course, now I've got to figure out what to do with all these cans of Spam, jars of peanut butter, bottles of water, and all this Sterno.