Why KY Homeowners Should Be Mindful of Snakes During the WinterWhy KY Homeowners Should Be Mindful of Snakes During the WinterYes, snakes are cold-blooded creatures. But that doesn't mean you can't see them or have issues with them during the winter months.Dave SpencerDave Spencer
The Most Snake-Infested Lakes in KentuckyThe Most Snake-Infested Lakes in KentuckyBe on the lookout for snakes at these lakes in Kentucky.Travis SamsTravis Sams
It's Baby Copperhead Season in KY -- What You Should KnowIt's Baby Copperhead Season in KY -- What You Should KnowIt's September and a real time to shine for baby copperheads. If that statement struck fear in your heart, read on and find out what you can do.Dave SpencerDave Spencer
Cobras in Kentucky? Here's Your ZooCobras in Kentucky? Here's Your ZooThere are no cobras indigenous to this country (thank heavens), and certainly not Kentucky. But that doesn't mean you can't find them here.Dave SpencerDave Spencer
Lake Barkley KY Shares Freaky Photo of a (Very Much Alive) Kinked Up Rat SnakeLake Barkley KY Shares Freaky Photo of a (Very Much Alive) Kinked Up Rat SnakeThe common Black Rat Snake uses a defensive "kinking" technique that makes it appear like a twisted branch, or dead. But it's very much alive and well. Katie PickensKatie Pickens