Campaign season is underway.  And, no.  I am not referring to the race for President of the United States.  And while Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are making headlines literally every day, a local high school student has launched an attention-grabbing campaign of his own.  Tyler Belcher is running for Senior Class Vice President at Daviess County High School and has released one of the greatest campaign photos ever . . . anywhere, for any race, in any election.  LOOK!


Yes!  You're candidate for Senior Class Vice President is actually BATMAN!  LOL!  Tyler's mother, Kim, posted this photo to FB over the weekend and it's getting lots of likes and comments.  Colette Carter, from the Owensboro Healthpark, said, "I would vote for him!" Elizabeth Belcher commented, "I wish I could vote!  Awesome dude."

And, for Tyler's mother Kim, this race is just the first of many.  She says, "Tyler is running for senior class Vice President! Just trying to get experience before he actually runs for POTUS one day. Proud of my sweet boy."

The official campaign begins this morning and all the candidates will be putting up posters and trying to sway voters.  Tyler's Batman centerfold is his official campaign photo and he spent Sunday afternoon watching "The Dark Knight" to prepare for the upcoming election season.  LOL!

Student elections are set for Tuesday, September 8th and we'll have to wait until then to see if Batman wins the day.


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