Bear Wanders Into Gatlinburg Restaurant Then Hangs Out on the Sidewalk
It's a good thing that every town in America has its own personality, its own way of doing things. Owensboro is certainly no exception.
There are a number of examples but I'll use mutton as a prime one. It's still pretty common for folks who are NOT from here to turn their noses up at mutton, a meat that I grew up eating. I mean, when Dad used to say he was bringing home barbecue, it just meant mutton. Because it was ALWAYS mutton.
But out-of-towners, for the most part, get that look on their faces and say, "But it's sheep," even though they'd have no problem chowing down on leg of lamb.

Yes, we're all different, and that includes our cities and towns.
I guess that's why it's really no big deal at all (even if it SHOULD be) for a bear to wander into a restaurant in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
Now, I've been to Gatlinburg and I've seen the warnings on the dumpsters about keep tight lids on those things and not letting children wander too far at night. Here's why:
East Tennesseans KNOW what they're dealing with. I still think it would be pretty startling, but I'm not FROM there.
However, when a bear wanders into a restaurant and then just casually hangs out on the sidewalk afterward, surely THAT'S not something that would generate a casual reaction, right?
But that IS what happened Friday afternoon at Crawdaddy's in downtown Gatlinburg. I've been there, but there were no bears getting take-out at the time.
You know, now that I think about it, Gatlinburg's downtown area is more populated with tourists than locals. But if you've clicked that link, take a look at that picture. A bear walking down a sidewalk doesn't seem to be fazing anyone. And the bear doesn't look too fazed either.
Again, different towns, different personalities, different expectations.
In Owensboro, we eat sheep. In Gatlinburg, they dine with bears.
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