Today was a total blast!  I finally (and, yes, I repeat . . . finally) got to be a guest on Live with Jeff.  Jeff Rhinerson, who has made no bones about the fact that he wants my job at the radio station, finally asked my to join him for his weekly Facebook series, Live with Jeff.  I'm not bitter about being a guest on Episode 32, but would like to point out that he waited EIGHT MONTHS after his pilot episode to extend to me an invitation to be a guest on his show.  But whatevs!  And, despite the fact that I know he has plans to shove me in front of a moving bus someday or "Showgirls" me down a flight of stairs to end my career, I said "yes".  And here's how the episode played out!


Live with Jeff airs every Tuesday at 1:30pm on the Puzzle Pieces Facebook page!


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