I Had a Really Bizarre Dream that Cher Moved to Owensboro, Kentucky
From "We All Sleep Alone" by the glorious icon Cher:
Somebody, somewhere turns off the lights
Somebody all alone faces the night
You got to be strong when you're out on your own
'Cause sooner or later we all sleep alone
Do you dream at night? It surprises me to know that some people don't. Or, if they do, they don't remember anything about their dreams. I, on the other hand, have insanely vivid dreams. Honestly, they're often so real that I wake up exhausted by them. Occasionally, I even retain feelings, emotions and, oddly, smells from them.
Just last night, I had a dream that Kevin and I were living in a house that kept getting clobbered by tidal waves. It was like some sort of symbolic flood that kept crashing through the walls of the house. And, oddly enough, Dolly and Wilma, two pets we said goodbye to in the last few years, were in that dream.
Each time a wave, like some sort of ruthless tsunami, rolled through the house and filled it up with water, they're the first things I was searching for when the waters retreated. I have no idea what triggered that dream, but it's not one that I am going to forget anytime soon. All day long I have been carrying the desperation I felt in it. I spent all night trying to protect my dogs from a vicious force of nature that was trying to sweep them away. The truth is they already have been. Wilma back in 2015. Dolly a year and a half ago.
That's the kind of life I live at night. Those are the kinds of dreams that I have, which is precisely why I have trouble getting my mind to shake the lingering images hidden deep within it.
Well, I haven't forgotten this dream either- for completely different reasons. I had a dream that Cher lived here in Owensboro. LOL!
This is so bizarre and let me see how accurately I can convey the setup for this. In the dream, and this isn't far off from something that could actually happen, I was serving on a task force that was trying to figure out ways to revitalize the nightlife in downtown Owensboro. Several friends of mine were serving on this committee with me and we had come up with some workable ideas. By the way, I don't remember any of them so I have to apologize to Visit Owensboro for my uselessness.
When our group hit the proverbial wall, someone on the committee said, "Let's ask Cher!" To that, I replied, "Cher? Like THE Cher????" Like this one?
The person then said, "Yeah, she just moved to town!"
I said, "Wait a minute! Freaking Cher . . . like 'Do you believe in life after love after love after love after love after love?' Cher . . . moved to Owensboro?"
And she said, "Yes! She lives downtown now."
Well, you have just shot me down "Just Like Jesse James." In the dream, I completely lost it like any self-respecting stan would and should.
I remember thinking, "Holy crap! How did I not know this? How did I, Chad Benefield (gypsy, tramp, thief), not know that Cher moved to town??"
So then, naturally, I sat out on a mission to find her. I am pretty sure I took advantage of my Rapid Eye Movement state and hijacked the trolley around for a few laps.
I started driving around town looking for her and, cue more Cher lyrics, "I Found Someone!" YES!!! I found her. She was down by Owensboro Grain.
Let that sink in. Cher was just walking around downtown by Owensboro Grain. And, she was dressed in some ghastly Las Vegas showgirl outfit. Something a lot like this!
Yes! She was down on 2nd Street, right across from Owensboro Grain by Madewell's Cafe. She was all dressed up in THAT outfit and was walking her pet tiger.
Did you catch that? In my dream, Cher had a freaking pet tiger and was walking it like it was a Goldendoodle. And the thing looked a lot like this.
And, for some more "Dark Lady" fun, she walked it ON A LEASH!
I mean, seriously? Where's Sigmund Freud when you need him? Heck, at this point I would settle for Dr. Joyce Brothers. Oh, wait! She's dead too. Okay, then, Dr. Phil.
I would like to be able to tell you that Cher and I had a conversation and with her help our task force was able to turn downtown Owensboro into a virtual Caesar's Palace. But, the moment I caught a glimpse of her walking her tiger toward the direction of Wing Avenue, I woke up.
But, I did see her and get definitive proof that she had moved to the 'Boro.
"If I Could Turn Back Time" I'd have that dream again and, at the very least, try to get her a slot at Friday After 5 or to have lunch with me at Mellow Mushroom.

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