I know sometimes I'm not the best speller, but if there's one thing that drives me up a wall is when certain words are misspelled by only one letter. Case in point: definitely

Erin Grant
Erin Grant

Oh and this is no April Fool, this is, uh, I can't even. Of course I had a friend point out the word "defiantly" is even worse, alas, it's spelled correctly. When I was in second grade, my teacher, Miss Caple told us if we spelled "does" as "dose", she going to give us a dose of castor oil! No wonder I ended up excelling in all of my language arts classes from there on out and I minored in Writing in college, obviously.

As by evidence of all these blogs, I write a lot, and if I'm unsure of a word I don't normally use, I always check to make sure it's spelled right. And, I don't object to using "def" as a substitute for definitely, but only if it's in a text or in a casual conversation. I'll also check the spellings in this blog several times, most definitely.

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