Fatal Traffic Accident Kills Local Farm Worker in McLean County
Sad news to pass along on this Wednesday. Early this morning, there was a traffic accident in McLean County that claimed the life of one local farm worker.
According to Kentucky State Police, just before 6am this morning, officers responded to a one-vehicle accident on Kentucky 56 near Beech Grove.
Officers say 29-year-old Allen Rodriguez (of Sebree in Webster County) was traveling east on KY 56 in a 2006 Honda Pilot SUV. It appears that Rodriguez over-corrected his vehicle causing it to run off the right shoulder. His vehicle then struck a tree and crashed into a nearby ditch.
Rodriguez was taken by Air Evac #10 to Deaconess hospital in Evansville, IN. At the time of this blog, his condition is unknown. However, one of his passengers, 29-year-old Maria Pascual (also of Sebree) was pronounced dead at the scene .
Three other passengers were in the vehicle. 29-year-old Manual Gasper (of Sebree) was taken by McLean County Ambulance to Methodist Hospital in Henderson, KY. His injuries are unknown at this time.
29-year-old Jose Riso Berto (of Sebree) was also sitting in the back seat. He was treated on-scene and released.
And fellow rear passenger Walter Francisco Pascual (32 of Sebree) was too transported by Air Evac #46 to Deaconess Hospital in Evansville IN. His injuries are unknown.
Everyone involved in the accident is employed by a local farmer and all were traveling to work. And, according to KSP, each person was wearing his/her seat belt. The investigation continues.
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