The Dollar Tree has gone under the Food and Drug Administration's microscope and it's pretty revealing.

The FDA sent a letter to the discount chain's parent company, Greenbrier International, after inspections of its corporate headquarters "revealed violative conditions at multiple foreign drug manufacturers that supplied drugs to your distribution network."

According to the letter, the Dollar Tree received "adulterated" drugs that came from a company that received FDA warning letters in 2018.

There were also contract manufacturers involved who received similar letters in 2016 and 2019.

THOSE letters detail violations like "not testing raw materials or finished drugs for pathogens and quality."

Yahoo! Lifestsyle reports that Dollar Tree's vice president of investor relations, Randy Guiler, issued a statement to CNN saying that the Dollar Tree is "committed to our customers' safety and have very robust and rigorous testing programs in place to ensure our third-party manufacturers' products are safe."

Guiler also indicated that the items in question are topical and not ingestible and that the company is fully cooperating with the FDA.



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