FFO Home Is Now Open in Owensboro
While I wasn't looking, there was an addition to Gateway Commons on Hayden Road in Owensboro.
It's called FFO Home.
And according to its website, this is the retail furniture chain's 68th store.
Its first store opened in Fort Smith, Arkansas 35 years ago and was called Furniture Factory Outlet.
You'll find other locations in Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Indiana.
FFO's president and CEO, Hank Mullany, says the company is very excited to serve the people of Owensboro and Daviess County.
You know, it's funny.
I'm up around Gateway Commons a lot, whether it's because I'm going to a movie or because it's actually easier to get to Wal-Mart or Aldi than taking 54.
But I did not notice FFO until today and the website says its grand opening was August 29th.
So, even though its belated, welcome to Owensboro, FFO.
As Spock would say, "Live long and prosper."