The Owensboro Lions of Griffith Avenue Launch Their Own Facebook Page
I love that Owensboro has so many "landmarks" around town. The bronze buffalo, The Sassafras tree, Moonlite's big burgoo pot to name a few. However, over the past several years a new dynamic duo has entered the spotlight.
A pair of concrete lions at 1530 Griffith Avenue are definitely on the list of iconic Owensboro statues and a very special woman is responsible for them. My mama! Sharon Cravens Weber. She taught music at Owensboro Middle School and the Owensboro 5-6 Center before retiring and then un-retiring for a stint as everyone's favorite substitute.
When she isn't spending time with my son, Rollins, she likes to focus on creative things like her beautiful garden, crocheting and cross-stitch projects, and her two huge besties. Those lions are bigger than she is!
I asked her how long she's been making costumes and dressing them up. It's been so long now, I can't remember. She said it's been at least ten years since her lovely friend who lives in the house asked her to bring some fun to the Dogwood-Azalea neighborhood.
I know so many people who love to drive by and see how the lions are dressed for various holidays or seasons. Since they are so massive, and she is so tiny, sometimes Mom has a hard time bringing her ideas to life. Every so often, I will go help her zip tie a costume piece on or hammer stakes into the ground, but she mainly does it all by herself. Every single time, folks honk and wave or stop and tell her how much they love seeing what cool themes she comes up with.
Now you can follow the Griffith Ave. lions' shenanigans on Facebook! Maybe you have relatives who live out of town you want to share the fun with? Or maybe you have a great idea for a costume? Follow along here and send her a message or comment. I think she needs to have a naming contest. What would you name the Griffith Avenue Lions?
The Griffith Avenue Lions of Owensboro, Kentucky
Gallery Credit: Mary-Katherine Maddox