Owensboro Woman Shares Details of Battle with COVID-19
"I just wanted to live and feel better." Those are the exact words Sheila Hopewell, of Owensboro, used to describe her recent, unexpected stay at Owensboro Health, where she underwent a battery of tests over the weekend after suddenly and violently falling ill. On Tuesday, she received news that she wasn't expecting. She tested positive for coronavirus.
I have known Sheila for years and asked her if I could share her post here at WBKR. As you'll see, Sheila is sharing her experience to dispel the myths about the COVID-19 pandemic. As Sheila explains, this is real. And it's incredibly serious.
There's so much to absorb here. As you can see, Sheila has no clue where she contracted coronavirus. That illustrates the extent to which we have been encouraged to socially distance ourselves from one another and why it's necessary to curb the spread. As for social distancing, Sheila does that anyway. However, in the case of COVID-19, it didn't matter. She still picked up and it caused her symptoms she never anticipated.
After 43 tests over multiple days in the hospital, Sheila was discharged officially on Monday. She received her COVID-19 diagnosis and confirmation on Tuesday. She is now quarantined at home for the next fourteen days. Her family members are living in separate parts and rooms of the house.
I chatted with Sheila this afternoon and she's in excellent spirits, despite the roller coaster she has been on since last Friday. She continues the variety of medications prescribed to her and has to report her stats to Green River District Health Department officials daily. And, as with all COVID-19 patients, she has been informed that fever and symptoms may return.
Tune into WBKR Friday morning. Shelia will be joining me and Angel by phone to share the story of her battle with COVID-19 and how she's doing on her road to recovery.

READ MORE: Inspiring Stories From the Coronavirus Pandemic
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