This is absolutely crazy.  Apocalyptic.  My friend Karen Hanvy was shopping earlier this week at a Walmart location in Hopkinsville.  In parts of the store, the shelves, like they are at supermarkets around the tristate, we virtually bare.  Check out Karen's pics.

Well, whatever cost $1 is gone!

Karen Hanvy
Karen Hanvy

To borrow a phrase . . . where's the beef????

Karen Hanvy
Karen Hanvy

I repeat . . . where is the beef?

Karen Hanvy
Karen Hanvy

Okay, I'm not even sure what is supposed to be here.  Is that the lunch meat section?

Karen Hanvy
Karen Hanvy

This is just unbelievable.

Karen Hanvy
Karen Hanvy

Hey, I see Special K.  I actually love that cereal.  But I would stay the heck away from box of All-Bran considering it's hard to find toilet paper.

Karen Hanvy
Karen Hanvy

I'm certain you're shopping in supermarkets that look much the same way.  It's important to repeat . . . REPEAT . . . that shoppers are being urged to refrain from stockpiling supplies.  I built a grocery list on Sunday morning and couldn't pick it up until Monday night at 8pm.  Even with that much notice, I was unable to get a gallon of milk because the store was completely out.  Luckily, a friend of mine heard me talking about it on the air and brought me a gallon (and a dozen eggs).   As the song goes, "I get by with a little help from my friends."   Please make sure you're keeping an eye out for your friends too.

If you know of stores that DO have essential supplies, make sure you let your friends and neighbors know.  It's important that we're mindful of and take care of each other during this unprecented event.

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