The CB Radio Show welcomed Harry Pedigo to speak about how you can sponsor a bed this holiday season and help someone have a better holiday. 

If you sponsor a bed, you will be providing essentials for someone, including food staples, personal grooming products, bed linens, and medicine.  Your donation would also assist with obtaining other individual needs of the resident occupying that bed.  The cost is $500.00 to sponsor someone for an entire year and make a difference in someone's life.

St. Benedict's was able to serve over 200 different individuals from sleeping on the streets last year.  They are able to offer their residents the ability to become physically healthy with YMCA passes.  They also write clothing vouchers, haircut vouchers, and provide self-help meetings along with bible studies.

Each sponsor of a bed will be recognized for an entire year on a prominently displayed plaque at the shelter.  Also a promotional video will run on Time Warner to thank those who have reached out with their helping hands.

St. Benedict's would also like to thank each and every one of you in the community that have provided a helping hand.  None of this would be possible without the bed sponsors.  They operate on 90% donations and 10% funding and grants.

If you would like more information on sponsoring a bed, you can call Joe Welsh at 302-1161 or Harry Pedigo at 315-4419.

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