Tot, the Teen, & the WardrobeTot, the Teen, & the WardrobeThe Tot, the Teen, & the Wardrobe Consignment Sale is coming to the Owensboro Convention Center this weekend. It's time to shop til' you drop!Barb BirgyBarb Birgy
Huge Consignment Sale in OwensboroHuge Consignment Sale in OwensboroCan I get a WHOOT WHOOT and HECK YES?! My Bargain of the Week is AMAZING!!!angelwelshangelwelsh
Huge Consignment Sale in OwensboroHuge Consignment Sale in OwensboroI am singing from the rooftops DEALS, DEALS, DEALS! Angel here giving you my bargain of the week and it's A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.angelwelshangelwelsh