These Items are Prohibited, Restricted, and Non-Mailable in Kentucky
If you are headed to a post office in Kentucky to mail a package you will want to make sure your parcel does not contain any of these prohibited, restricted, or non-mailable items.
There Are More Than 800 US Postal Locations in Kentucky
When it comes to mailing packages, it's usually as easy as just putting your item in a box, taping it securely closed, writing on a shipping address, and dropping it off at the nearest United States Post Office location. There are 31,132 USPS retail locations across America. In Kentucky alone, there are over 800 locations across the state.
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Mailing Some Items Could Land You in Hot Water
However, there are some instances where just dropping your package at the post office could land you in hot water.

Safety and Legality of Mailing Packages with the USPS
There are some items that are not permitted to be shipped via USPS due to safe handling concerns. Others are illegal to mail at all and some can be mailed but only in certain quantities, and with appropriate markings on the outside of the package.
Check The Prohibited, Restricted, and Non-Mailable Items Before You Go to USPS
Some of the items that are not permitted will seem like no-brainers, but you might be surprised that some items you plan to mail might be prohibited.
READ MORE: Is It Legal to Drink & Kayak in Kentucky?
Before you head off to mail your next package make sure that you check this list of prohibited, restricted, and non-mailable items.
[Source: United States Postal Inspection Service]
USPS Says These Items are Prohibited, Restricted, and Non-Mailable
Gallery Credit: Kat Mykals
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