My dad found this amazing shirt at Gabriel Brothers in Parkersburg WV up around where I am from.  It's a looker huh?  First of all... has anyone been to Gabes before?  Not Gabes Tower... Especially recently since it's being converted into a rolling pin. There are a few around here.   Locations are in Bowling Green, Lexington, and Elizabethtown.

Gabes has it all.  And it's brand new stuff.  From what I believe... all the clothes they have in that building are damaged in some sort of way.  Factory damaged though.  So if there was a stitch that got out of place or the machine gave it a little tear... it was sent to Gabriel Brothers.  Seriously though.  I've been in there a million times and I have never come across a piece of clothing that is damaged so bad you can't wear it.

Brand new clothes at an enormous discount.  It's incredible.

This picture was taken over Christmas and my dad was looking for a nice shirt to wear over to Grandma's on Christmas Eve.  Needless to say... he didn't really like it and back on the hanger it went.  I wish he would have though.  I love it, ha!

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