A Final Piece of Advice To My Son As He Graduates (GALLERY)
Angel here and my son, Parker, graduates today. Last week he said something at a senior event that tore deep into my momma soul and I have one last piece of advice for him.
We stood in the gym of Owensboro High School for his senior band recognition and other seniors' names and their accomplishments were being read he said "Mom, it doesn't seem I did much with my high school career." This statement broke my heart and infuriated me all at the same time.
Parker, you are the most resilient young man I have ever met. You literally began showing us who you were the minute you came into this world. You've escaped death twice and you're still pushing. You're a fighter and determined to make it no matter what.
Sports were never your thing but you always gave it 110%. I remember the year your coach was more concerned with running the score up than teaching his players about the game and he put several of you in with just a few minutes to go on the clock (after not playing you the whole game) and you took the field as if you were starting the game. You never failed to pat another player on the back and encourage them and this says so much about your character.
Being a band member, you took pride in representing OHS. Every single time you took the field and I watched you perform I could almost burst. Your musical talent amazes me and your dedication to long hours of practice did not go unnoticed. This will carry you far in life.
Your independence as you began work and driving has always blown me away. While most teens are bleeding their parents dry asking for money you never ask your dad or I for anything. You have always wanted to do it on your own. Your independence will serve you well when the real world comes knocking at your door.
Never once did you complain or even shutter during the pandemic. Your grades proved what a hard worker you truly are.
My precious son as you take walk down the aisle to your diploma and out into the real world remember this:
- "Never compare yourself to others, there is no comparison between the sun and the moon they shine when it is their time."
- You don't have to be the best at everything but always give your best.
- Keep the fire that burns inside you it is one of your most special gifts.
- Awards & Accomplishments DO NOT define the person you are.
- Don't concern yourself with the opinion of others. It won't pay the bills.
- People aren't nice. Love them anyway. Because God Says So!
- Pray about every decision in life even the small ones.
- When you mess up, admit it, and try again.
- Character is who you are when no one else is watching. Who are you?
- You have a God-given purpose that only you can fulfill. Seek It!
- God thought so much of you that there is only one you. Own that.
- Find Your Identity. It is not found in women, money, or things of this world.
- Always wear your motorcycle helmet. You are not invincible.
- You always have a place in my home.
- Call Your Momma. I am always here and always waiting to hear your voice.
And most importantly, you are more than I could have ever dreamed of in a son. You make me proud to call you mine and I can't wait to see what you do in the years to come. You are so very loved.
Commit to the Lord in all you do and he will make your plans suceed
Proverbs 16:3
HAPPY GRADUATION DAY PARKER! You make us so very proud and we love you~
A Final Piece of Advice To My Son As He Graduates (GALLERY)
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