AutoZone Adding More Than 20,000 to National Workforce
When 2020 is all said and done, there will be a number of takeaways from one of the most historic years in our existence.
It really could be its own college course, honestly.
The COVID-19 pandemic is obviously the year's top story and all the dominoes that fell in its wake could certainly round out a Top 10 or Top 20. (And, no, I don't think you can count murder hornets among those dominoes.)
One big and unfortunate result was the loss of jobs and the high unemployment numbers back that up.
While some have been getting back to work, others haven't. So we welcome any news of a company expanding its workforce.
AutoZone has announced that it will add in excess of 20,000 employees to its more than 5,800 stores across the country, according to AfterMarketNews.
Positions will be available at its stores in all 50 states as well as in its distribution centers.
AutoZone will be looking for delivery drivers, parts sales managers and full and part-time sales associates.
If you're interested, you may submit an application at AutoZone.com/careers.

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