To kick off National Police Week, the personal-finance website just released its report on Best & the Worst States to Be a Police Officer.
When I was a kid, if I behaved during my haircut, I'd get a free orange push-up. It's orange sherbet on a stick, in case you've forgotten. But I don't see them in stores anymore.
You've seen those beautiful quilt squares on barns as you travel, I'm sure. But they're not random decisions by property owners. Those 'barn quilts' have a history.
There's a lot of stuff from my generation's past that would completely befuddle today's kids. Our "struggles," thanks to technology, are no longer theirs.
I remember, very well, the last movies I saw at old Owensboro theaters that are no longer here. Only one of them was good and it turned out to be my all-time favorite.