KY, IN, IL! Did You Know You Your Ceiling Fan May Be Turning the Wrong Way?
After a big heat wave during the month of September, where we had a run of over twenty consecutive days above 80 degrees (and some near-record highs), Fall weather is now settling in here in the Tristate area. Here in western Kentucky, southern Indiana and southern Illinois, we're finally seeing Fall-like temperatures with highs in the mid 60s and lows dipping down near 40. I personally love this time of year. I call it "hoodies and shorts" weather and that's pretty much what I wear on the daily.
Of course, the shift in temperatures causes many people to turn off their air conditioners at home and fire up their heaters. That's a change we all make, though we have differing opinions about just how cold the house needs to get before we flip the switch from "cool" to "heat" on the thermostat. At my house, I won't turn the heat on until we dip down into the lower 60s inside.
Did you know there's another change you're supposed to make as well? Do you have ceiling fans in your house? Did you know that they have 'summer' and 'winter' settings too? They do actually and Meteorologist Kevin Lighty, from WCIA in Champagne, Illinois, recently shared the science behind the switch on social media.
Take a look!
Okay, so Kevin's video didn't have any sound. So, if you're like me and need to see the explanation AND hear it, check this out!
Now, I will be fully honest. I have a ceiling fan in my bedroom and I don't think I have ever flipped the proverbial switch. I think, if memory serves me correctly, that it's currently spinning clockwise. So, according to the video, I'm pretty much all set for winter.
Are you?
LOOK: The most extreme temperatures in the history of every state
Gallery Credit: Anuradha Varanasi
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