Coronavirus in Daviess County: No New Cases, 64 Recovered
After yesterday's report of 11 new cases in Daviess County, this is welcome news. As of this morning, the Green River District Health Department reported that there are 3 additional COVID-19 confirmed cases in the district. The total number of reported cases in the district now stands at 200. Here's the statistics you need to know.
On Monday April 20th, 2020 the Green River District Health Department reported 4 additional confirmed COVID-19 cases – 3 in Henderson County and 1 in Webster County. The total number of reported COVID-19 cases in the district is 200. Eleven people in the district are currently hospitalized. Of the 200 confirmed cases in the district, 36 (18%) have required hospitalization. The district-wide total of recovered cases is now 100 (50%).
“Availability of COVID-19 testing remains to be a national, state, and local challenge. The health department frequently receives the question about how many COVID-19 tests have been performed locally. We know it is not as many as we need. However it is extremely difficult to get accurate data about this.” Said Clay Horton, Public Health Director.
“Most of the local tests are being sent to a number of private or commercial laboratories that are performing these tests. While positive results are required to be reported to the health department by the health care provider and the laboratories, the local health department does not typically receive the negative result reports. The Kentucky Department for Public Health does receive information on negative results performed by some but not all of the commercial laboratories.
Given the scale and speed of the COVID-19 response and that identifying positive cases is the most pressing priority, that information is not immediately available to us on a local level. There are even greater challenges in obtaining data about testing that has been conducted on our residents by out-of-state medical providers. We are continuing to work with the state health department to find solutions to these reporting challenges and more importantly ways to support additional testing capacity here locally.” Clay Horton, Public Health Director added.
As of 9:00 AM April 20, 2020 total reported cases in Green River District by county are:
Additional demographic information includes:
Average age: 48
Age range: 16 – 93
Male – 46.5%
Female – 53.5%
To help answer the community’s questions about COVID-19, the Kentucky Department for Public health has set up a website with the latest guidance and information for Kentucky residents. The site can be accessed at The public can also call the Kentucky COVID-19 hotline at 800-722-5725.