DCHS Horticulture Department Reaps Big Benefits Through Greenhouse Sales
I had a discussion with Daviess County High School FFA advisor and instructor Chad Askins about my time as a student there. I from the class of '84; he's from the class of '89.
I mentioned to him that, when I was there, I thought there was a wide variety of elective classes offered. But over the last several years (yes, I've lost count), I've come to realize that we had very FEW by comparison. Of course, that makes sense. The world has changed greatly over the last four decades--Lord, did I just write that?--and that means all high schools must keep up with society's needs.
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The first DCHS computer class wasn't even offered until my senior year, if that gives you any idea what I'm talking about.
And when Chad and I were having our conversation, he told me about classes like Floral Design and Landscaping that are now part of the Agriculture curriculum. There are also multiple classes revolving around growing and operating a greenhouse. And that's why we were there.
After seeing a video posted by Daviess County Fiscal Court, I had to get out to my alma mater to see this business in action.
DCHS Horticulture Department Making Money Quickly in the School's Greenhouse
Lance Roberts, the student who opens the Facebook video, is a very impressive young man. During our visit, he was tending to all the plants and flowers that were in the greenhouse--much, much fewer than when the fiscal court video was shot. His fellow students were handling the money. The kids are taught the planting and growing end of the enterprise AND the business end. You want your business to do well, so mission accomplished. Here's my interview with Chad Askins and Lance Roberts:
These kids and this program are very impressive, yes, but they are also finished with the greenhouse for the 2023-2024 school year. But Askins says that next January, the process will start all over again.
And they'll probably sell out in a week's time in 2024, too.
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