Muhlenberg County Singer Writes Powerful Song to Honor Her Dad, Who Recently Passed from Cancer [Video]
Sunday morning, I was scrolling through Facebook and the litany of posts about Father's Day. One, however, stood out to me. It was made by my friend Courtney Peveler, from Muhlenberg County. That post was very different from the other Father's Day posts I was seeing. See, Courtney's dad, Trent, isn't with her anymore. He passed away from cancer about two years ago. It's taken that long for Courtney, who's a gifted singer-songwriter, to put her feelings into words and write the perfect song for her late father. On Saturday, just before Father's Day, she shared it.
"Dear Dad" is one year, ten months and four days in the making. And it's beautiful, perfect, and worth the wait.
Though it's nearly two years in the making, Courtney just started writing "Dear Dad" last week. Understandably, she was having a difficult time getting through the song. Saturday morning, she was alone. It was quiet. She picked up her guitar and started to write and sing. Courtney says, "The words came easy to me. It's everything I have ever wanted to say to my dad if I could speak to him just one more time."
Courtney added "You Are My Sunshine" at the end of the song. That was a song she sang to him several times before he passed. Courtney was certainly Trent's sunshine.
I have shared this story before, but it's worth repeating given the occasion and the tribute from Courtney. A couple of years ago, shortly before Trent's passing, Courtney auditioned for a WBKR talent contest. Trent came to a subsequent audition, primarily to get an idea who Courtney would be competing against in the finals. Courtney wasn't with him that day. It was just Trent. And he was visibly overcome with emotion and, well, cancer. You could tell it was winning and you could tell he was trying his best not to let it.
We stood outside Gordy's Music Center and chatted about his cancer battle and, more importantly, about his sunshine- Courtney. Trent was endlessly proud of Courtney. Her spirit. Her talent. I'll be honest. That was a tough conversation we had that day. I could tell Trent knew the clock was ticking and he was already missing Courtney. How many more times was he going to get to hear his daughter sing?
With "Dear Dad" Courtney's talent, that her father treasured so much, is on full display. And Courtney's Father's Day tribute to Trent not only captures her spirit, it's a stirring and emotional tribute to his.