Early In-Person Voting a Part of 2020 Kentucky Voting Guidelines
During his Friday afternoon address to Kentucky, Governor Andy Beshear welcomed Secretary of State Michael Adams to the podium to discuss the 2020 election.
Beshear announced an executive order regarding this year's election and he and Adams revealed their outline.
1. Kentuckians concerned with spreading or contracting COVID-19 may request a ballot by mail.
2. There will an online portal through which Kentuckians can request their ballots. That portal will launch within the week and you'll have through October 9th to make that request. After 10/9, you'll need to request the ballots via traditional avenues.
3. Your mail ballots MUST be postmarked by November 3rd and received no later than November 6th.
4. If Kentuckians requesting these ballots are concerned about postal delays, there will be a dropbox available where the ballots can be returned. The locations will be determined by county clerks.
Now, on to EARLY voting. That's right. If you wish, beginning October 13th, you will be able to vote IN PERSON.
Beginning on 10/13, every workday and for four hours every Saturday, county clerks will establish locations where Kentuckians may go vote in person.
And the governor and the secretary of state want to make sure we know that early voting does not mean ABSENTEE voting. Anyone can vote early for any reason.
Also, on Election Day, every county will have one voting "supercenter" where everyone can vote, regardless of his or her precinct.
The detailed outline for 2020 voting begins at the 8:28 mark of this video:

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