Frymire Winter Weather Forecast Predicts Huge Holiday Snowstorm
It's out!! We have the brand new Frymire Winter Weather Forecast for 2018-2019. And it calls for a major snowstorm on Valentine's Day. In fact, we could see up to sixteen inches of snow. Take a look.
In case you are unfamiliar with the Frymire Forecast, here's a little history about it. For years, Dick Frymire of Irvington, Kentucky, used a Japanese elm tree and a formula built around it to predict winter weather for the coming year. Though Dick passed away in 2013, his family still proudly carries on his tradition to this day. And, just today, I just received their official 2018-2019 forecast, which includes the possibility of a MAJOR winter storm in the middle of February.
Here's the official 2018-2019 Frymire Winter Weather Forecast. A big shout out to Brianne Frymire Oliver for sharing it with us!
As you can see, the Frymire family is predicting our first snow flurries on November 24th, which is Shop Small Saturday. The first measurable snowfall of the year is predicted for December 23rd, just a couple of days before Christmas.
But the biggest news in the forecast is the major snow event predicted for February 14th. Yes! The Frymire Forecast says we could see over a foot of snow on Valentine's Day. And, according to the detailed predictions, we'll continue to see snow into the month of March with the first robin sighting (a sure sign of spring) expected on March 22nd.
As you know, weather folklore suggests that if there are more than eight heavy fogs in the month of August, the pending winter weather will be worse than expected. As you'll recall, we had lots of fog in August and the Frymire Forecast suggests we could pay for it this winter.
So, stay tuned! Only time will tell if this forecast plays out. If you want to check out the forecast from 2017-2018 to see how accurate it was, CLICK HERE!
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