Highland Elementary School Welcomes Processional for Issac Sterett This Afternoon
It's going to be a powerful afternoon at Highland Elementary School. The Highland faculty and staff, fellow students and friends will be on hand to honor Issac Sterett, a 10-year-old student at the school who was tragically killed in a traffic accident on Friday, July 10th. Issac's celebration of life is today and his processional will travel through the parking lot of Highland Elementary, where Isaac was a 5th grader. Here's the Facebook post and invitation from Highland.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Issac's funeral is by invitation only. However, First Christian Church hosted a variety of life celebrations yesterday for family and friends. Early Monday, there was also a youth celebration for Issac's friends.
This afternoon, though, everyone can show their love and support by showing up at Highland Elementary School and supporting the Sterett family as the processional passes through. As mentioned in the FB post, attendees are asked to wear Highland Elementary attire or the color blue.