Huge Benefit Yard Sale in Memory of Dalton “Nanner” Nantz
The Nantz family will be hosting a community yard sale this weekend to benefit Christmas Wish. Dalton Nantz, was a military veteran and humanitarian who passed away in January of 2018. "Nanner" was a huge supporter of Christmas Wish, so the family wanted to honor his memory, in a very special way. Many people from all over the community have already dropped off items for the event.
From 1993 to 2003 the Nantz family hosted a yard sale to benefit Christmas Wish. It was a passion for Dalton "Nanner" and Chris Nantz. So, in conjunction with Atmos Energy, Dalton's longtime employer, they raised over $30,000 for the cause. The warehouse sale was held at the old Velvet Milk Company building. The Atmos team would also smoke meat during the event to help raise money. Anything to ensure that area children received a visit from Santa.
His daughter Lynn is helping to organize the event in memory of her Dad. She said that it has been special to watch her Mom throughout the process. It's been so hard on her since losing her husband and best friend. The upcoming sale has been a chance to reminisce about past fundraisers. And, seeing that twinkle back in her Mother's eyes, means everything to this family. Lynn also told me the reason why the "Thanks" on the plaque below is faded. Since her Dad passed away, her Mom will sit with the plaque in her hands, and rub it. I pray that this weekend goes perfectly, and that it helps give Chris and the family a small amount of peace.
Stop by the sale at 321 Whittier Drive in Owensboro this Friday, September 4th or Saturday September 5th, 2020 starting at 7AM. Happy bargain shopping!
This Christmas Wish fundraiser is a beautiful way to honor "Nanner" and Chris Nantz. Lynn, along with family and friends, have been working for weeks to gather and price items. Neighbors, businesses, family and friends have also been dropping off money and items for the sale. THANK YOU to the Nantz family, to our Atmos Energy family, and to this giving community.
The WBKR Christmas Wish program helped 6,809 children and 1,558 needy families last season. More than 20,000 gifts were put under the tree from Santa. We had close to 1000 food baskets and EVERY meal had a ham or turkey because so many gave. It was a record breaking year that wouldn't have been possible without fundraisers and donations like this. This year we feel the need will be even greater.
The Nantz Family Fundraiser will be a great way to step up for all of the families in need this holiday season. Heck, and pick up some amazing bargains in the process. Look below at just a handful of items that will be up for grabs this weekend!
Some Items That Will Be Found at This Ultimate Yard Sale

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