Y'all know me, I've been known to go on a good rant every now and then and today is no different. While checking out at the grocery the other day, the nice lady bagging my groceries did something that just about made me gasp. (Ok, I realized that this is a very tiny, borderline-ridiculous complain, but please let me get it off my chest, ha!)

Aside from completely ignoring the order that I placed my groceries in on the belt and bagging them any ole way she decided, she started to do this to my bags...


I be like no, na-no,na-no, no she didn't! Ummm, what? I could feel myself staring at her as she continued to completely jack-up and tie together my grocer bags. Don't make that face, I told myself, just let her do her thing.Lots of deep-breathing took place during that excruciating five or six minutes.And, don't get me started on the 90 seconds it took to undo her madness once I got home.

Surely, I can't be the only one who does not approve of this? Right? Right???

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