Kentucky Man Makes Fake License Plate & We’re Shocked He Got Pulled Over (PHOTO)
A Kentucky Police Department had a first-ever in the history of the department in 2020. They pulled a man over when something about his license plate just didn't look right.
Just when you think you have heard it all someone goes and gets all artsy and thinks outside of the box and makes their own license plate.
Millersburg Police Officers got quite the surprise after pulling over the driver, they realized not only was the plate a handmade drawing, but the driver was also driving without insurance and on a suspended license. Talk about being in the wrong place, in the wrong car, with the wrong license plate, and no license plate.
The reason it caught the local authorities' attention...he forgot to draw the registration sticker on the plate. Didn't anyone tell him attention to detail is SUPER important?!
Our law enforcement officials are pretty darn fun and entertaining but when it comes to breaking the law they have a job to do.
I really can't say anything. I almost want to side with this poor guy. Angel here and I have been pulled over more times than not for driving on expired tags. I mean I always had insurance but would forget to get my tags each year it just slipped my mind. Now, I'm thinking why wasn't I this quick-witted. LOLOL

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