This past weekend, my close friend group got together at a really cute Airbnb in Grayson County to cozy up for a couple of days. Without. Kids.

Those are the two magic words right there. No kids! I think we figured out we hadn't traveled together without them in at least five years! We all brought delicious snacks and dips to munch on, and made meals together. We played table games, old school Mario games, hung out in the hot tub, listened to music on our group playlist laughed, and just had the best time.

Once upon a time, we would have gotten a little more rowdy, but this trip, one of the highlights was putting together a puzzle. My bestie Kristin did most of the work and then the rest of us trickled in to help toward the end. It was a really pretty picture with lots of colors and animals. We get to the end and realize there is a piece missing.


The WORST thing that can happen when you work all afternoon on a puzzle. It was brand new too, so we knew it had to be there somewhere. That's when our mischievous friend, Jeremiah, walked over and laid a little slip of paper on the table. We all started dying laughing. This is totally on-brand for him to pull a prank like this.


We checked the dishwasher first, no luck, so we headed to the laundry room where we found the second clue.


We all brought our own games, but the Airbnb host had some stacked on a shelf as well. That's where Jeremiah hid our next clue. Inside the Family Charades box.


Oh great! Thanks a lot, Jeremiah! The next clue was taped to the side of the porcelain throne.


The pot is NOT for coffee...hmmm...Luckily, he also added something else that made this location easy to find. You see, Jeremiah is a school teacher and likes to have fun with the school pictures he takes every year. Any time we have a get-together, chances are, one of these little portraits will be left behind.


Puzzle piece located!


He must have started planning this adventure way earlier in the day. How he did all of this without any of us noticing, I have no idea, but he definitely made the activity much more exciting! We loved it. And yes, the school picture was left for the next guests to enjoy.

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Our principal selected the daily menus at my elementary school cafeteria. Sometimes he hit a home run; sometimes he struck out.

Gallery Credit: Dave Spencer

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