New Traffic Light Goes Active Monday…But Where Else Do We Need One?
The east end of the West Parrish/Bypass interchange now has a traffic light that will activate this Monday with flashing caution lights.
Now, this leads to ask...where should OTHER traffic lights go in Owensboro, keeping in mind that we have to be prudent in our placement and not create unnecessary clogs.
You know, there have been a lot of traffic lights that have been removed during my lifetime--usually because those areas began to experience reduced traffic once other roadways were constructed.
J.R. Miller Boulevard is a big reason many of the lights that were once on Daviess Street (at the 5th, 9th, Parrish/12th Street, 14th Street, and 18th Street intersections) are no longer there.
On the other end of the scale, there seems to be a traffic light every ten feet on South Frederica beginning at Time Drive and extending all the way out to the Home Depot entrance.
It causes quite a traffic back-up, BUT every one of them is necessary, too.
So, where else is Owensboro in need of a traffic light?