Owensboro Church Takes Sunday Morning Service To Daviess County Inmates (PHOTOS)
While many churchgoers were having regularly scheduled Sunday morning service one Owensboro church left their building to have church with the Daviess County Detention Center Inmates-->
Matthews Table located inside the Munday Center on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. started just two years ago with 20 members, 3 men and a whole lot of faith and prayers.
Fast forward the church has grown to over 250 plus each Sunday and 5 regular small church services that meet in members homes throughout each week.
They work closely with Jailer Art Maglinger to schedule the jail services with the inmates. Inmates have a choice and can sign up to come to the service. This morning 66 inmates attended the service. Roger Chilton, pastor for Matthews Table said "Out of 700 inmates God chose you today. This was a divine intervention" He gave a message about "SET FREE" not from the gates of the jail but from the freedom of sins and life's poor choices.
The inmates also had an opportunity to worship with the band. This is one of many times the church has had to chance to have service with the inmates. There were separate services for both the men and the women.
Many of the church members relate to those behind the gates as they once were there.
One worship band member is a former Daviess County Detention Center inmate who came to know the Lord through one of the church services and now attends Matthews Table.
Angel here. It was an amazing sight. I was blessed to be able to be a part of this. Matthews Table is the church I attend and I am so proud to call it my church home. The experience is one I can't even explain in words except to say it was "OVERWHELMINGLY AMAZING". I cried the whole time.
With all that has been going wrong in our city what a beautiful and positive message in the right direction. Thankful for the Jailer Maglinger and his staff for being willing to allow churches into the jail gates.
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