I have to admit, for as many times as I've said or posted about how much I love fall, I have more than just a few people tell me how they hate to see summer go.

Well, THOSE people are in luck.

And, it's funny. I'm looking at that first sentence and noticing I wrote it like it's still summer.

It isn't, obviously. And, to be fair, last night it got down into the 50s and felt sensational.

But look out.

According to Eyewitness News, Your Weather Authority, summer is feeling lonely and wants to return.

Eyewitness News/WEHT-WTVW
Eyewitness News/WEHT-WTVW

Yep, Tuesday is October 1st and that says, at this writing, a high of 89 and HUMID.

I love wearing shorts. But I don't want to wear them on October 1st.

My fall clothes are probably wondering why they're still in those plastic totes at the bottom of my closet.

Hey, listen, that high of 89 is actually a lot better than what I saw just a few days ago, when the high was projected to be well up into the 90s.

And, honestly, when I re-look at that 7-day projection--a full week of autumn--all I'm seeing are summer numbers and the word HUMID attached to six of the seven days.

I'm assuming we'll get fall weather on the regular at some point and I hope all this heat and unbelievable lack of rain doesn't put a big dent into the foliage.

But I also know there's not a thing in the world any of us can do about it.

Except keep your pools open much longer than you'd planned, I guess.


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