These excited high school students are embarking on a once-in-a-lifetime travel adventure, representing Owensboro Sisters Cities and Regions. This is amazing.

Owensboro Sister Cities and Regions via Facebook
Owensboro Sister Cities and Regions via Facebook

What a trip this is going to be for these area high school students. This isn't your average trip either. They are headed to the City of Olomouc to represent Owensboro Sisters Cities and Regions.

The reason for the trip is to learn more about our sister city, and to reunite with the exchange students that they hosted last year. The group will learn about their customs, language, history, government, geography, food and cultural arts. The last three days of the trip will be spent exploring Prague, the capital and largest city in the Czech Republic.

The group of six students and four chaperones left today and will return on October 11th, 2019. Ross Leigh, with Owensboro Parks & Recreation, will fly over and join the group next week. He'll make a presentation to the City of Olomouc on behalf of the Owensboro community.

Have a safe trip and we can't wait to hear all about your adventures!

"The City of Olomouc, Moravia, Czech Republic and the City of Owensboro, Daviess County, Kentucky became Sister Cities during the summer of 1994."

SOURCE: Aimee Sanders Garrard

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